'Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.' Jack Kerouac, On The Road
This is it! The adventure begins. We are finally on the road out of Washington, DC, on track to be exploring our first U.S. National Park on day one (January 1) of the Greatest American Road Trip.
We will be announcing our partnerships over the next few days. In the meantime, have a look at some quick snapshots taken on our way out the door. #59in52
Send-off car selfie: Stef and Jon kick on the ignition.
Trip A: Journey of tens of thousands of miles starts at mile 0.
Eyes in front, eyes behind! The Airstream rear view mirror.
Fuji Instax snapshots of our life in transition -- new rig, old friend, empty condo, and home to our last meal in DC (Shake Shack!)
See you soon from park 1/59.